Config API Reference

config is an object which gets passed to telaviv.


Name Required Type Default
routes false Array []
errors false Array []
theme false String 'default'
apiAddress false String 'http://localhost/'
staticCacheControl false String 'max-age=60'
buildPath false String 'build'


This is an array of Routes. When recieving a request telaviv will walk through all routes and tries to match the path.

Route describes one element in this array.


This is an array of HTTP StatusCode to Error-Route mappings.

config.errors = [{
  from: 400,
  to: 499,
  path: '/my/error/route/:code'

This catches all 4xx HTTP Errors and renders the path from routes. :code gets replaced by the StatusCode.


A name of a theme which gets used for rendering.


Defines the URL of your API-Server.


When a route only serves static components the default HTTP Cache-Control-Header will be set.


The destination path of the themes build.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""